Lead Generation Tips You Can Use This Summer

Posted on July 29, 2022 in General

Plenty of vitamin D, vacations, camping trips, what’s not to love about summer? Summer is time for lots of sun and fun. It also offers creative ways to approach prospects and attract new patients to your practice. Read on to learn top tips to power up your lead generation efforts this summer. Educate Prospects The…

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5 Reasons Why Online Scheduling is a Must at Your Practice

Posted on July 15, 2022 in General

Consumers love and enjoy the convenience of doing almost everything online. They’re used to making restaurant reservations, booking flights, ordering groceries, and completing bank deposits online. Healthcare consumers expect the same level of digital convenience when booking their doctor’s appointments. If you don’t offer online scheduling, here are 5 compelling reasons why patient self-scheduling is…

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Ways to Celebrate Your Team this Summer

Posted on June 30, 2022 in General

What’s not to love about the warm summer months. The sun’s out, the skies are blue, and the weather is just perfect. Summer is a good time of the year to let your team know how valued they are. Appreciating them will go a long way in increasing employee satisfaction and decreasing turnover. Here are…

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The Importance of Tracking Your Marketing ROI

Posted on June 15, 2022 in General

Healthcare marketing is an effective way of getting new patients through your front door. But for any campaign to be considered successful, you need to measure its return on investment (ROI). Only then will you know where your marketing dollars are being used and the return on that investment. This has been made easy by…

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Driving Premium Services Without Increasing Ad Spend

Posted on May 31, 2022 in General

Marketing premium services using traditional and new media is no easy task. While you may gain leads from conventional channels like print, TV, and radio, or new media such as paid search ads on Google and Bing, these methods can be expensive. Further, it may be harder to get your ads in front of a…

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Dogs in the Office: Is It Good for Morale?

Posted on May 16, 2022 in General

HR is always looking for ways to create a great workplace, including allowing employees to bring their furry friends to work. Human resource managers from many organizations have realized the immense benefits of a dog-friendly office. It’s a morale booster, and here’s how: Promotes Happiness Long hours, demanding clients, and other work pressures can take…

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How to Use Lead Management

Posted on April 28, 2022 in General

Every successful practice depends on leads. For your practice to thrive, you need to convert leads to patients, and that means managing your leads effectively. Otherwise, poor lead management can result in missed follow-ups, lead leakages, and missed opportunities. Luckily, you can rely on a robust lead management system to manage your data efficiently. That…

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What Member of Your Team Should Use Your CRM?

Posted on April 15, 2022 in General

Customer relationship management software is a powerful management tool. It’s where your team turns for all their patient information needs. When implemented right, CRM technology can boost daily workflows, lead conversion rates, patient experience, practice revenue, and more. But how do you attain CRM success? The key to CRM success lies in the staff that…

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Make Outreach Easier for Your Physician Liaisons

Posted on February 25, 2022 in General

Physician liaisons are an essential part of your comprehensive marketing strategy. They promote your treatments, unique services, and practice. A liaison also acts as a bridge between your practice and referring sources. Ultimately, the goal of a liaison is to increase referrals from existing physicians and acquire new business from non-referring doctors. With a top…

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You’re Spending the Money, Where’s Your Follow Up?

Posted on February 14, 2022 in General

Are you spending a lot of money and time generating leads but not nearly enough on following up? This kind of approach costs your practice the opportunity to acquire new patients. Often, leads get tossed aside and forgotten after a few if any attempts. Yet, the average number of optimal touchpoints for leads is about…

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