Posted on November 6, 2020 in General

Engaged employees are more motivated. They will have a greater commitment to your practice and even go above and beyond their job description to put more effort into their work.

Employees who are engaged can make all the difference in your medical practice in regards to attracting new patients, thus increasing overall revenue. If you want to boost your patient conversion rate and remain ahead of the curve, it’s essential to ensure your staff is your front-line advocate by:

  • Providing Staff Training

Make sure your employees know what they’re talking about. It’s critical to empower your staff with the necessary knowledge to address the needs of potential patients calling. Your front office team is often your lead’s first impression of your practice.

Demonstrating unexcelled service is essential. When prospects are calling your office, they need assistance with something. Efficient call handling means listening to the problem, having a healthy conversation, and offering a solution. First impressions are vital for practices.

In fact, research by Marketing Lands shows that 74 percent of people will prefer a competitor after a poor phone experience. As such, lack of knowledge when answering questions and long hold times could do more damage to your practice than you may realize.

By making sure your staff can offer prospects a memorable and positive experience, you can increase the likelihood of converting them into paying patients.

  • Refining Workflows

This will improve the efficiency of your employees and make the day-to-day more enjoyable and less stressful for them. There are several ways you can improve the efficiency of your staff, including automating appointment reminders and providing online scheduling.

Replacing manual workflows with automation will free up time for high-value activities like engaging leads. In addition, your employees will feel less stressed when it comes to focusing on what needs to be done instead of putting out fires as they occur.

  • Exciting Them About Your Practice

A hardworking, happy team is the cornerstone of your practice’s success. Exciting your staff about your practice requires you to believe in them. Yet, there’s no silver bullet for motivation.

While one employee may be motivated by recognition for exemplary performance, another may value a flexible work schedule more.

The best part is, the basic principle for creating excitement is asking your staff what they want and coming up with ways for them to earn it. Motivation creates a positive atmosphere that encourages your team to improve productivity and patient satisfaction.

  • Celebrating the Wins

Everyone loves a pat on the back, more so when it’s given in public. The importance of recognizing your staff in front of co-workers cannot be overemphasized.

Don’t skimp on praise and gratitude—they are a big morale boost for your employees. So, go ahead and make sure your staff knows when they’ve done a fantastic job.

  • Providing Your Employees with Tools for Objections

Your potential and existing patients may become agitated from time to time. When they do, it’s imperative to equip your staff with the tools they need to de-escalate the lead or patient. An effective practice that is key to diffusing difficult interactions is empathetic listening.

Frustrated patients and leads want to know your practice cares about them. De-escalating and managing a situation has been shown to improve the potential patient’s perceived quality of care.

Attract and Convert Qualified Leads

While MDProspects will ensure you have enough qualified leads coming in, your job is to turn those leads into loyal, paying patients with the help of your employees.

To find out how MDProspects can help your practice with their unique lead management software, please schedule a demo today.