Posted on May 30, 2024 in General

Ready to supercharge your SMS marketing? Follow these best practices to make every message count and keep your customers engaged and excited!

1. Keep Messages Brief and Conversational

Think of texting your customers like chatting with friends! Short, snappy, and friendly messages work best. No one wants to read a novel — keep it to a line or two. If it’s too detailed for a text, save it for an email or newsletter.

2. Stick to 160 Characters

Long messages get chopped up, and no one likes a text puzzle. Keep it under 160 characters to avoid this. And if you’re sharing a URL, try to use a shortened version. Keep in mind that link shorteners sometimes are seen as spam by some carriers and are not allowed. 

3. Comply with Legal Requirements

Make sure your subscribers are in the loop and can opt-out anytime. Stay compliant with TCPA, CAN-SPAM Act, and GDPR regulations. It’s not just good practice; it’s the law!

4. Offer Double Opt-In

Cover your bases with a double opt-in. Ask for consent on the phone or on your web form & then send or automate the consent SMS message. 

Your first text to new subscribers should ask them to reply with “Yes” or “Y” to confirm they want your messages, or “No” or “N” to opt-out. 

It’s an extra step that builds trust.

5. Include a Call to Action

Make every text count with a clear call to action! Whether it’s to call for more info, book an appointment, or click a link to your site, a strong CTA drives engagement and gets results.

6. Segment and Target Your Audience

Get personal! Segment your audience to send targeted messages based on interests. Do not text cosmetic info to LASIK leads, as an example.  Tailored messages resonate more and make your customers feel special.

7. Be Strategic with Timing

Time it right! Send messages around holidays, special events, or seasonal changes. This keeps your brand top of mind when customers are already in the shopping mood.

8. Maintain a Consistent, Balanced Approach

Consistency is key, but balance is crucial. Don’t bombard your customers with texts, but don’t go silent either. Find a rhythm that works and adjust as needed to keep your strategy fresh and effective.

By following these tips, you’ll elevate your SMS marketing game with MDprospects and keep your audience engaged and eager for more. Happy texting!