Posted on August 30, 2021 in News

You have less than 15 seconds to impress a visitor before they hit the back button. Therefore, if prospects come to your site and don’t find what they need, they’ll leave without a second thought and look for help elsewhere. On the other hand, when you can actually talk to visitors right from your website, it’s super convenient for them, and it can be the difference between convincing prospects to schedule or look for care elsewhere.

The reality is, everyone needs answers now. It’s all about instant gratification, and a live chat offers just that. This robust online staffing service provides visitors on your website with real-time, 24/7/365 availability so that questions are answered, and appointments are booked immediately. Such a level of engagement keeps online visitors interacting with your practice, drastically minimizing the bounce rate on your website.

Also, consider this: Standards are now higher for practices to add value to prospects since a lot of information can be easily found online. What this means is that you should help your web visitors get engaged early in the buying cycle by supporting them.

If you don’t, potential patients will quickly move on to a healthcare provider who can. A live chat feature on your website is a major asset. It’ll make communication with visitors truly useful so that opportunities and needs surface, and you can provide solutions that convince prospects to schedule.

Benefits of a Secure Live Chat

Like every health care facility, your practice strives to boost efficiency, cut costs, and increase revenue while delivering exceptional service. Below is a closer look at how using live chat can help your practice meet its goals:

Enhances Patient Service

Quite often, patients have to call your practice and wait for answers to their queries. With a live chat installed on your website, prospects will get immediate answers to common questions without being put on hold. Research shows the perfect time to help web visitors and increase conversions is when they’re still actively seeking information online. The capabilities of live chat make this possible.

Creates an Amazing User Experience

It’s all about the experience for your patients. Thus, if patients don’t have a great experience at your practice, they most likely won’t return. Ensuring a positive patient experience begins with your online presence, which can be considerably improved by live chat technology.

Lowers Support Costs

With live chat, questions are answered promptly, something ordinary phone lines can’t do. That’s because a front office desk is limited to the number of phone calls it can handle at a time. But live chat engages several visitors simultaneously, allowing patients and prospects to connect with your practice immediately.

As such, visitors won’t have to wait on hold and then get frustrated in the process, forcing them to hang up and look for answers elsewhere. So, rather than adding staff to handle phone calls, why not add live chat to your website.

Boosts Marketing Strategies

Driving traffic to your site isn’t enough. You still need a way to convert visitors into actual patients. This is where live chat comes in. It engages prospects, shaping relationships with them and increasing the likelihood of inspiring them to book appointments.

Offers the Convenience Patients Demand

Convenience is king and one of the main reasons every practice should use live chat on their website. Nothing beats giving visitors support and answers right away when it’s most convenient for them. Your patients and prospects will appreciate this kind of access, encouraging them to choose you as their healthcare provider and spread the word about your amazing service.

Differentiates Your Practice from the Rest

If someone visits your website past your working hours and they can’t get what they’re searching for, chances are they’ll look elsewhere for immediate assistance. Instead of losing potential patients to other healthcare providers, why not engage them with live chat. Live chat lets visitors know about your services. It can also convert a query into a patient.

Grow Your Practice with Live Chat

The fact is, modernizing patient experience in your practice is key in retaining patients and attracting new ones. Adding MDchatbot on your website creates a great first impression, where prospects get the information they need, build trust in your practice, and eventually request an appointment.

Interested in learning more about how MDchatbot can help you convert potential patients? Please schedule a demo today.