How To Make Sure Your Website Is ADA Compliant

Posted on April 9, 2020 in General

How To Make Sure Your Website Is ADA Compliant We’re willing to bet you know all about the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and have made the necessary steps to make sure your healthcare practice is ADA compliant. Except for one area, potentially — your website. That’s right — under Title III of the ADA,…

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Partner Spotlight: Miller Public Relations

Posted on March 4, 2020 in Partner Spotlight

Partner Spotlight:  Miller Public Relations Reasons MDprospects suggests you check out Miller Public Relations. Don’t let the name fool you. Miller Public Relations is so much more than the name implies. This full-service marketing, advertising, and public relations firm has the chops to take your practice to the next level in virtually every way. From…

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miller public relations

What Guarantees the Success of a Referral Management

Posted on December 10, 2019 in General

Today, every medical care facility wants to improve the quality of service and efficiency for patients. And why wouldn’t they? The healthcare sector, after all, is just beginning to understand the vitality of a great referral management system. It is no wonder that the healthcare industry wants to implement and streamline administrative activities that would…

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Referral Management